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Blue Mind Bonus 1: The Power of Awe

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This approximately 60 min session (documentary 33 min) will cover the following...

* What is Dr. Paul Piff Water.

* How Dr. Piff Started to Study Awe.

* What Does Awe Mean.

* What Experiences of Awe Does to Us.

* What Kind of Experiences Produce Awe.

* What Type of Experiences Produce Awe 75%-80% of the time.

* What Percentage of Nature Experience Which Produce Awe Incorporate Water.

* What Occurs when Couples Experience Awe Together.

* What is happening to Awe Experiences in Society Over Time.

* What the Ramifications Are for an Awe-Free Life/Community/Society.

* How Much Time Do the Majority of Adults in the U.S. Spend Outdoors Each Week.

* How Much More Time Do Kids in the U.S. Spend Interacting with Technology Than Playing Outside.

* What are the Effects of Having an Awe Deficit.

* Why It Does Not Take Much Time & Effort to Find Experiences of Awe.

* Q & A

For More on Blue Mind...

* Purchase the Book

* Live Facebook Blue Mind Book Club Starts Feb 9th 7pm Central Time (Don't Need to Own Book!)

* View the Other Parts of the Docuseries

Ways To Support Blue Mind:

* Patreon: Blue Mind Company

* The Blue Mind Shoppe

* Purchase the Blue Mind Health Docuseries.


This content may not be used without written permission from me. Email me at collegecoaching@yahoo.com.

This Webinar is being broadcasted with permission of Dr. Wallace J. Nichols.

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